woodlands wildlife refuge

All posts tagged woodlands wildlife refuge

Rest in Peace, Little Cottontail

Published August 5, 2022 by Maryanne
Eastern Cottontail

Sunday night my husband found a wounded rabbit near the bushes, near our home. The little guy was alive, but his pelt was stripped off his back and there was also a wound near his neck/shoulder area. Seems another animal tried to attack him and as he was getting away, his pelt stripped off.

Immediately my husband put him in a box and we called dozens of animal refuges, many which were filled to the max; or wouldn’t take rabbits only deer, or whatever animal they specialized in.

The next morning we found Woodlands Wildlife Refuge (www.woodlandswildlife.org). It was an hour drive and the bunny was placed on the floor of the backseat of the car, still alive, but in shock. Every so often his eyes would blink or his little front paws would twitch. Boy, was he a cutie pie. We had high hopes for his recovery.

They took him right in. He was so badly injured, they got right on it.

Sadly, he didn’t make it. In less than 24 hours he was gone.

It’s terrible to see a defenseless animal hurt, and then die.

What does make me feel somewhat okay about all of this is: 1. It was an act of nature and he didn’t get killed by a car.; 2. We tried our best. And at least we had a place to bring him and he didn’t have to die in the bushes and be eaten by bugs.

In honor of this beautiful Eastern Cottontail, my husband bought me a necklace from the refuge, along with a bunny statue (and another statue that looked like one of our cats).

I’ll never forget this sad week, but I did learn a lot about rabbits, and that such a beautiful place like Woodlands Wildlife Refuge exists.

Rest in peace, sweet little bunny. We tried……………

NOTE: The above photo was swiped from Google. Friends have asked to see a photo of the rabbit, but he was too badly torn up. No one would like to see an animal like that, though his beautiful eyes were just fine — big and round. And his front paws were adorable, along with his little cottontail.

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Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta can be reached at: maryannechristiano@gmail.com.

She is the author of the following books:

“Be (Extra)Ordinary: 10 Ways to Become Your Own Hero” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback or Kindle version, visit:Be (Extra)Ordinary

“I Don’t Want to Be Like You” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback, Kindle or audio copy, go here: I Don’t Want To Be Like You

Her fiction book “Love Cats” second printing is now available, under the pen name Krystianna Mercury, from Pink Flamingo. You can purchase it here: https://eroticbooknetwork.com/product/love-cats/

Maryanne is also available for book editing and coaching. Rates are competitive.

And for positive messages, visit Be YOUnique, the Anti-Bullying You Tube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLq6J9MSvcjd-haQ30ycLWA/videos