
All posts for the month September, 2022

I Can Do That!

Published September 22, 2022 by Maryanne
Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta

The above photo was from Tuesday night. I was in anticipation of another outdoor summer concert, but reflecting back to a few days prior when I saw one of my idols, Patti Smith, perform at Count Basie Theatre.

It was one of many concerts I saw of her. And this one was more thrilling because I was accompanied by my husband, who never saw her before and really enjoyed himself.

Since then, I’ve been on a binge watching everything Patti Smith on You Tube. As much as I love her music, I especially love her interviews. She’s a wise sage; a warrior.

One interview in particular touched me. It illustrated how we can manifest our own destinies. She said after seeing Jim Morrison on stage, she said, “I could do that.”

Four powerful words can take us to the next level fierce. When we believe in ourselves, we can tap into something inside of us that can make others believe in us too.

Early in my career of being self-employed, before I became a professional speaker, I would help book artists gigs in restaurants, senior centers, assisted living facilities and libraries. One time an activities director wasn’t interested in the musician I was promoting, but said she wanted someone to speak about health.

I can do that, I said to myself. But first I asked her, “Do I need certification to speak on health?”

She said I didn’t.

“I can do that!” I said, eagerly.

Nevertheless, I did my homework and was able to speak about general, common sense type things like the importance of walking, eating whole foods, and not smoking.

I was nervous and read from the page, not connecting with the audience as I do today when I speak. But I was well received and invited back several times! Since then, I’ve spoken in front of countless audiences, from very small–as in four people–to over a hundred.

Nowadays, I hardly read my notes. I don’t stand behind a podium. I walk around, crack jokes, talk to the audience, and ad lib.

During the pandemic, my speaking career was on halt, but I’ve used ZOOM to my advantage, reaching people all over the world! Now that the pandemic has lightened up tremendously, I’m out and about again with six upcoming lectures!

And it all started with four great words — I can do that!

If you liked this blog, feel free to buy me a kombucha:

Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta can be reached at:

She is the author of the following books:

“Be (Extra)Ordinary: 10 Ways to Become Your Own Hero” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback or Kindle version, visit:Be (Extra)Ordinary

“I Don’t Want to Be Like You” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback, Kindle or audio copy, go here: I Don’t Want To Be Like You

Her fiction book “Love Cats” second printing is now available, under the pen name Krystianna Mercury, from Pink Flamingo. You can purchase it here:

Maryanne is also available for book editing and coaching. Rates are competitive.

And for positive messages, visit Be YOUnique, the Anti-Bullying You Tube Channel:

Visit my business page, Pear Tree Enterprises, at:

The Voice of a Proud Sigma Female

Published September 20, 2022 by Maryanne
Outside bar/patio, Count Basie Theatre, Red Bank, NJ

The other day I saw a book in a client’s collection, written by a strong female I admire.

I told my client, “The world needs more women like her, whether I agree with them or not.”

Mind you, I’m not talking about walking all over men or being an extremist in religion or politics. I’m talking about making YOUR personal voice heard. Stand up for yourself. Stand up for yourself in business, whether you work for yourself or others. Be TRUE to yourself, and you’ll always be happy without the stress of holding in resentment.

Don’t worry if people disagree with you, or become your hater, or give you minimal “likes” on Facebook or WordPress. The world is full of people — you will find your tribe. Keep speaking YOUR truth! Believe in YOU!

If you liked this blog, feel free to buy me a kombucha:

Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta can be reached at:

She is the author of the following books:

“Be (Extra)Ordinary: 10 Ways to Become Your Own Hero” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback or Kindle version, visit:Be (Extra)Ordinary

“I Don’t Want to Be Like You” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback, Kindle or audio copy, go here: I Don’t Want To Be Like You

Her fiction book “Love Cats” second printing is now available, under the pen name Krystianna Mercury, from Pink Flamingo. You can purchase it here:

Maryanne is also available for book editing and coaching. Rates are competitive.

And for positive messages, visit Be YOUnique, the Anti-Bullying You Tube Channel:

Four Things Meat Eaters Need to Shut Up About

Published September 17, 2022 by Maryanne

It’s been over a year since I’ve been vegan. And it’s been over a year that I’ve heard the same things over and over and over and over from meat eaters. It’s at a point now where it’s so redundant I can scream! Dear Meat Eaters, does it ever cross your mind that you are as dull as a clam with these repeated comments and questions? And, do note, I am not speaking to all meat eaters. Some of my best friends are meat eaters (and this won’t fly with fellow vegans, but this will reiterate my first point…

  1. VEGANS ARE NOT ALL STEREOTYPE VEGANS. Yes, I’ve even wrote a blog about this before, how I am repulsed by other vegans–the ones who are pushy, over-assertive, and extremists (like PETA). For the last time, I repeat, we are not ALL that way. Many of us are of a more spiritual, peaceful mindset. Would we love everyone in the world to not eat meat? Of course! But it’s not something I’m going to push down someone’s throat. Whenever someone pushes veganism, we get the ever-redundant response from a meat eater “Yum, bacon!” (Again, why are people so friggin’ PREDICTABLE?! You are all boring me to death!!!) But anyway, that is why I don’t push people because it pushes them in the opposite direction. Instead, I inspire my meat eating friends and family to share many vegan meals with me! “Yum, baked vegan goods” trumps “yum, bacon” any day!
  2. YES, WE GET ENOUGH PROTEIN. I never understand why people are so quick to argue with someone without doing their research? Why are so many athletes and body builders thriving on a vegan diet? If they weren’t getting protein, they wouldn’t be building muscle. They’d be weak and thin. While body building isn’t my goal, I do strive to be strong and healthy. At 59, I do two mini-workouts almost every day. I lift weights — especially my own, with yoga strength poses. I can hold a plank for three minutes. I can also do a side plank, lifting my entire body with one hand. My largest source of protein comes from a clean pea protein powder. I also eat beans, quinoa, lentils, tempeh, and tofu. On the weekends I’ll have the faux meat like a Beyond Burger. It’s not the cleanest food, but it’s better than artery clogging meat (and more important, I’m saving the lives of animals).
  3. WE ARE NOT LIMITED! The first time a woman said to me “You’re limited” I almost laughed in her face. With thousands of fruits and vegetables in the world, how on earth am I “limited”? I’m one year and one month into veganism, and not once have I made the same recipe twice. In fact, I never enjoyed food so much! And even with the vegan treats on weekends, my last two rounds of bloodwork were excellent! Prior to veganism, I was borderline anemic, had thyroid issues, sugar handling issues, sinus allergies/headaches, borderline high cholesterol, and borderline high blood pressure. Now, I am PERFECT! I also think I look better, my hair is thicker, and I don’t have any skin issues (prior I had dry spots on my feet, elbows, and sometimes face) My eyesight also improved!!
  4. SUPPLEMENTS Yes, I take supplements. I took supplements even before I was vegan. It’s just a precaution for me. It’s my decision. Many people take supplements including meat eaters. Beauty guru Oleda Baker, who is not vegan, has her own line of supplements. Paleo advocate Dave Asprey once wrote on Facebook the vast amounts of supplements he took. If you don’t believe in supplements, fine, I won’t argue with you, but do not put me down for taking supplements because I’m vegan. It’s not a vegan thing. For me, it’s a security blanket to make sure I’m getting everything I need. I am a super busy self-employed person. Sometimes I travel for business. I don’t always have the time to meal plan. Sometimes I leave the house without packing a lunch because I forget. Sometimes I’m out to dinner with friends and pasta is the only vegan option. So if you want to argue, supplements vs. no supplements — argue with everyone who takes them, not just vegans.

And, in conclusion, As Winona Ryder once said, “Why can’t we all just get along?” I agree to that. I’m a lover, not a fighter. But sometimes when you get bombarded with people saying the same thing over and over, like the cliche, “a broken record” you have to put your two cents (another cliche) in and tell it like it is.

We may not all think alike, but if something is working for me, why would someone want to come along and shit all over it? Why are people so unhappy? Me being vegan is my spiritual journey. If other vegans are “forcing” their opinion on you, why are you so ignorant to attack ME? It’s like the kid who gets abused from his parents then goes to school and bullies the small one. It’s just not right.

When you talk to people, whether in real life, or on the internet, do a little more listening than yakking. You don’t have to agree with someone but you don’t have to fight with them, attack them, or prove YOUR point. Agree to disagree, and move on. And most of all, please stop being so redundant!! You’re all like the people who ask me “How’s Gilligan” because my name is Maryanne. Say something different, be unique, listen to other Queen songs besides “Bohemian Rhapsody.”

If you liked this blog, feel free to buy me a kombucha:

Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta can be reached at:

She is the author of the following books:

“Be (Extra)Ordinary: 10 Ways to Become Your Own Hero” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback or Kindle version, visit:Be (Extra)Ordinary

“I Don’t Want to Be Like You” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback, Kindle or audio copy, go here: I Don’t Want To Be Like You

Her fiction book “Love Cats” second printing is now available, under the pen name Krystianna Mercury, from Pink Flamingo. You can purchase it here:

Maryanne is also available for book editing and coaching. Rates are competitive.

And for positive messages, visit Be YOUnique, the Anti-Bullying You Tube Channel:

Someone Got Fired Because I’m a Vegan

Published September 15, 2022 by Maryanne
Photo by Bill Fairs on Unsplash

This was the hardest day I’ve had in a long time. But I am sharing this odd story as a form of therapy for myself because I feel horrible–on many levels.

For those who have been following my blog, you know that I’m a writer and public speaker. That’s how I make the majority of my money. I also do other cool stuff like helping out at events, personal assistance, and over 50 modeling. Once in a blue moon I’ll get an acting gig.

My acting experience is limited. I can’t memorize lines, but I am great at improv. Over the past 15 years, I’ve acted in many You Tube commercials and short films. I was the “cool mom” in a Gamin’ commercial, a mom in an Intel commercial, a shopper in a high-end pharmacy, an older version of a young actress, and most recently a mom in a rap video that received over 50K hits. This is to name a few.

I’ve also done a health-related video. It was for a pedometer that tracks your steps. That was what I suspected this was when I was told “health video.” I arrived on set early and it was a rude awakening. I was there to pretend I was someone with a former health issue and miraculously cured by goat’s milk. Not only that, they wanted me to cook and eat lamb.


My gut told me to walk off set right then and there. My brain told me, “You were hired as a professional. This Air B’nB was rented. You can’t walk out last minute, there is no understudy.”

Had the recruiter told me all of this, I wouldn’t have accepted the job. She didn’t. In fact, she was so disorganized, I didn’t even get my lines sent to me until the last minute. I had to learn them on the spot, with no teleprompter!

I was now put in a bad place, so I figured, let me feel it out and try to salvage this gig. I straight out told the director I would not eat lamb, that I was vegan. He seemed okay with that.

I won that round.

But I almost gagged because I had to sit with the dish in front of me. I pushed it away so it wasn’t too close to me. I was almost in tears being so close to a dead animal on a plate. I almost puked.

The director obviously didn’t understand what vegan meant because he thought I’d drink the goat’s milk. He kept asking questions. To make it easy, and move this dreadful shoot along, I lied. I said I was a Buddhist and it was against my religion. We used almond milk and didn’t put the powder in when I was drinking it — only afterwards when I had to shake it up.

Round two — another score for me.

Now here is where it got ugly again. I had to lie about my health. I was NEVER unhealthy in my life. At age 59, I am on no medications and still a size 6. But I had to say I was once “fat” and that goat’s milk helped me lose weight. I also had to pretend the exercises were a struggle as I was doing them, making noises like “whew” and “urgh.” These were super easy exercises. Then I had to rave about how this goat’s milk cured health issues I never heard of!

I said to the director, “How old am I supposed to be? EIGHTY?”

He smiled and said nothing.

Finally, the shoot was over. I was paid and on my way home, fighting back tears. I felt like a heel on all levels. First of all, I let the director down because I was difficult to work with and stood my ground on issues that are important to me. Second, I let down the vegan community because I made this fraud video. And finally, I let myself down because I had to be in a video next to a sacrificial lamb–literally.

When the director briefly left the room, I made a sign of the cross and apologized to the lamb.

Now, everyone — and I mean EVERYONE — who reads this will now think I’m an asshole. Haters will really get their jollies off adding their crappy comments.

And when I thought it couldn’t get any worse, it did.

I got an email.

From the recruiter.

She got fired because she didn’t tell the director that I eat meat!!

Reading this took me to Next Level Awful.

I tried to stay positive, took a breath and wrote back that this was a “learning experience” — for both of us. I wished her luck and left it at that.

Moving forward, I would assume in her career as a recruiter she would get the facts straight and let the next actress/actor know what is entailed in a job. I mean, c’mon, even if I wasn’t vegan, what if I had food allergies? And if she is struggling with English, perhaps an interpreter to help her?

On my end, I now know to be more persuasive about gathering facts. I only decided to wing it because the recruiter was struggling with her English. I also assumed maybe she was young and inexperienced. I gave her the benefit of the doubt. When she said “health video” it was my big mistake to false assume it was going to be about an exercise product and not food.

I did my best to make the best of an awkward professional situation and I need to forgive myself.

If you liked this blog, feel free to buy me a kombucha:

Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta can be reached at:

She is the author of the following books:

“Be (Extra)Ordinary: 10 Ways to Become Your Own Hero” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback or Kindle version, visit:Be (Extra)Ordinary

“I Don’t Want to Be Like You” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback, Kindle or audio copy, go here: I Don’t Want To Be Like You

Her fiction book “Love Cats” second printing is now available, under the pen name Krystianna Mercury, from Pink Flamingo. You can purchase it here:

Maryanne is also available for book editing and coaching. Rates are competitive.

And for positive messages, visit Be YOUnique, the Anti-Bullying You Tube Channel:

Nuns Tribute

Published September 6, 2022 by Maryanne
Kristine Yitref, Maryanne Christiano

Throw-back, Halloween 2002, NYC, with Kristine Yitref (RIP)
I was 39-years-old and honored to perform onstage, as a dancer, with The Nuns, in NYC. The Nuns go way back. They opened for The Sex Pistols, 1977, along with the Avengers in San Francisco.
The girl in the photo with me was Kristine Yitref. She was a doll. ❤
I loved working with Kris and Jennifer Miro, original Nuns member.
I got the gig after interviewing Jennifer Miro for my gothic column in The Aquarian Arts Weekly. She invited me to perform onstage with her, “If you dare,” she said.
And I said “yes!” What a great night it was!!
Jennifer and I kept in touch via emails for years. We kept saying we’d go for a drink, but never got around to it. In 2007, Kristine Yitref was murdered in Times Square — she was only 33; and in 2011 Jennifer Miro died of breast cancer at age 54. Original Nuns member, Jeff Olener, who was also onstage with me that night, died in 2014.
(Photo by Ed O’Brien).

If you liked this blog, feel free to buy me a kombucha:

Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta can be reached at:

She is the author of the following books:

“Be (Extra)Ordinary: 10 Ways to Become Your Own Hero” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback or Kindle version, visit:Be (Extra)Ordinary

“I Don’t Want to Be Like You” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback, Kindle or audio copy, go here: I Don’t Want To Be Like You

Her fiction book “Love Cats” second printing is now available, under the pen name Krystianna Mercury, from Pink Flamingo. You can purchase it here:

Maryanne is also available for book editing and coaching. Rates are competitive.

And for positive messages, visit Be YOUnique, the Anti-Bullying You Tube Channel:

It’s In The Cards

Published September 4, 2022 by Maryanne
Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta

As an author, when your books go out-of-print, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. My first book, “On the Guest List: Adventures of a Music Journalist” was self-published. When Next Century Publishing became no more, I was secretly relieved. At the time I wrote it, it seemed like a cute idea. I took some fun stories and used song references for each chapter. But I got shy and left so much out. It may also have been too happy of a book. When people read books about the music business, they expect to hear about groupies, drugs, and gossip. My book was none of that–just down to earth fun. But many people did love it and I made a lot of money not only from direct sales, but selling on my own, doing book readings.

My second book, “Love Cats” was also self-published by Next Century. That was a fiction book, and a very cute story. That was my “baby.” I thought it was perfect — for those who would “get” the lesson I was driving out, “don’t be selfish.” After that one went out of print, it was picked up almost immediately by Pink Flamingo Media (the link is below). It was the first time I used a pen name, Krystianna Mercury.

My third book, “The Gypsy Smiled” was picked up by a non-vanity publisher, a traditional publisher. Even though it was the first book I didn’t have to finance, it was not the greatest experience. I counted the days until my 5-year contract was up! Luckily my next two books, “I Don’t Want to Be Like You” (published traditionally by Higher Ground) and “Be (Extra)Ordinary: 10 Ways to Become Your Own Hero” (published by KiCam Projects) were much better experiences, and I was able to work with incredible people.

Last month the contract FINALLY ended with “The Gypsy Smiled.” I couldn’t wait to begin submitting it to other publishers for a second printing. When I submit a manuscript, I usually take an entire day and find out 17 publishers. That’s the magic number, and then someone says “yes.”

This time, I only submit to two, so far. I stopped submitting because I have other ideas for the book.

I’m not ready to speak publicly about these ideas because they may or may not work out. If they do, it will be really cool. If they don’t, I’ll go back to submitting for a second printing. I’m leaving it all up to the universe; and in gypsy-speak, “It’s in the cards.”

The thing is, I felt confident to “step out of the box.” That is major. So whether I win or lose, I still win.

We all do when we take a leap of faith!

If you liked this blog, feel free to buy me a kombucha:

Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta can be reached at:

She is the author of the following books:

“Be (Extra)Ordinary: 10 Ways to Become Your Own Hero” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback or Kindle version, visit:Be (Extra)Ordinary

“I Don’t Want to Be Like You” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback, Kindle or audio copy, go here: I Don’t Want To Be Like You

Her fiction book “Love Cats” second printing is now available, under the pen name Krystianna Mercury, from Pink Flamingo. You can purchase it here:

Maryanne is also available for book editing and coaching. Rates are competitive.

And for positive messages, visit Be YOUnique, the Anti-Bullying You Tube Channel:

Living My Best Life

Published September 1, 2022 by Maryanne

All I need to be happy — a great pair of shoes, a great bag, a White Claw, an outdoor concert, and an amazing husband at my side.

(Note the white lines — still sitting in social distancing circles. Always be careful). ❤

If you liked this blog, feel free to buy me a kombucha:

Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta can be reached at:

She is the author of the following books:

“Be (Extra)Ordinary: 10 Ways to Become Your Own Hero” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback or Kindle version, visit:Be (Extra)Ordinary

“I Don’t Want to Be Like You” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback, Kindle or audio copy, go here: I Don’t Want To Be Like You

Her fiction book “Love Cats” second printing is now available, under the pen name Krystianna Mercury, from Pink Flamingo. You can purchase it here:

Maryanne is also available for book editing and coaching. Rates are competitive.

And for positive messages, visit Be YOUnique, the Anti-Bullying You Tube Channel: