
All posts for the month December, 2022

Don’t Treat Your Friends Like Fans

Published December 11, 2022 by Maryanne

Photo by Nicholas Green on Unsplash

When you’re a creative person it’s no coincidence that you attract other creatives in your life. Maybe people you went to high school with, or maybe people you met during your creative career. Whether you’re a singer, actor, writer, or artist, creative people understand each other. We are there for each other. And it’s awesome when we can support each other.

Those who have a certain talent will definitely get the breaks if they stay focused. Sure, there will be ups and downs along the way, but you will accomplish some or many of your goals. You may lose friends because you’re no longer in the same place. They will not understand your drive or passion–and that’s understandable. But what about those whose career paths are similar to yours, yet it goes to their heads?! You begin to realize you’re being treated more like a “fan” than a “friend.” For example, you’ll go to his/her events but you won’t see him/her at yours. You’ll be “liking” their blogs, Facebook/Twitter/Instagram pages, but they ignore yours.

One time I received an email from someone who was trying a new career promoting bands. She asked me if I could “like” her pages to help support. I said, “Sure.” Then I asked if she, in turn, could help support mine too. She said, “I’m too busy.” I immediately unfriended her and stopped supporting her pages because to me, this type of person is a “taker.”

When someone starts being a “taker” it’s a major red flag that the person’s career is either going to their heads, or they are using you. Don’t ever let someone take advantage of you as they try to advance their career. It’s not right.

The thing is, we are all created equal. Any bout with success shouldn’t make someone feel superior. Motivational speaker, Jay Shetty, once said in a YouTube video that people support celebrities, why won’t they support their friends who are trying to get ahead? It really is a shame, but at least I am one friend who is very supportive (unless I feel I’m being used, then I cut ties).

I have to pat myself on the back because I know I am great in this area. I’m nobody special, but I am a good person to know; I’m every friend’s biggest cheerleader!

And, yes, fans do have their place in your world and you can’t get too close to them. You have to set boundaries. But a friend — or associate — is much more than a fan and he/she should never be slighted or not appreciated.

Here is clarification (or hard truths) regarding what a friend/associate is versus what a fan is.

  1. They’ve been to your home, that is a friend, not a fan — obviously you invited them!
  2. You had a meal with the person. Breaking bread with someone means he/she is a friend or associate, not a fan. (Unless you’re a rock star and they won a prize and dinner was part of it).
  3. Someone wrote an article about you or had you on their podcast. That is an associate, not a fan.
  4. You put someone on the guest list for one of your events. That is an associate or friend. Fans are not on the guest list unless they’ve won tickets to the event.
  5. You dated someone. I don’t care if you’re Mick Jagger, if you choose to date someone, that elevates them to a higher status. They are no longer merely a fan.
  6. You’re sending someone a holiday or birthday card in the mail on a regular basis. That is a friend, not a fan.
  7. If someone buys your records/books/art and goes to your events and that’s the only time you see them, that is a fan, not a friend.
  8. If someone knows more about you than you know about them, that is a fan. (Or a stalker!)
  9. If someone “friend requests” you on Facebook and you don’t know who they are, they are either a fan or some egomaniac who is in some industry and wants to jack up their business.
  10. If someone calls themselves a “fan” they are most likely a fan, but if they’ve been to your home, that is the best friend you can have because he/she is humble enough to admit you are cool and he/she admires your work.

Like any other relationship, creative relationships have the same rules (or they should). If you feel someone is looking down on you, or not giving you the time of day but expecting you to do things for them, or the only time you hear from them is if they need something, it’s no longer a friendship. It’s not even something that should be on “associate” level. Stop supporting them immediately. They may not even notice you are gone from their lives, but it’s okay. We’re here to support each other, not work for free for someone who doesn’t appreciate it.

If you liked this blog, feel free to buy me a kombucha:

Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta can be reached at:

She is the author of the following books:

“Be (Extra)Ordinary: 10 Ways to Become Your Own Hero” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback or Kindle version, visit:Be (Extra)Ordinary

“I Don’t Want to Be Like You” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback, Kindle or audio copy, go here: I Don’t Want To Be Like You

Her fiction book “Love Cats” second printing is now available, under the pen name Krystianna Mercury, from Pink Flamingo. You can purchase it here:

Maryanne is also available for book editing and coaching. Rates are competitive.

And for positive messages, visit Be YOUnique, the Anti-Bullying You Tube Channel:

Visit my business page, Pear Tree Enterprises, at:

Highlights of 2022

Published December 6, 2022 by Maryanne

Billie Eilish performance at The Prudential Center in New Jersey (Photo by Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta)


The year of 2022 should be called The Year of Concerts. My husband and I attended many outdoor concerts during the pandemic, but it was great going to live shows indoors again! We started off with The Glimmer Twins on New Year’s Eve; and then saw Billie Eilish in February. Many more were to follow throughout the year: Johnny Mathis, 1910 Fruitgum Company, Jonathan Richman, Sophie B. Hawkins, Paula, Cole, Patti Smith, The Smithereens, Todd Rundgren, and The Bongos … to name a few!

My husband and I also saw the play performance of “The Wedding Singer,” which was a hoot.

Creatively, I participated in Bloganuary (spelling?) for the very first time! I didn’t write all days, but I wrote many. It generated some interest in this organic blog, which I write for my own benefit — not to jack up followers or make money. This is strictly for ME and if anyone likes what they read, that is cool.


In March, I was a guest speaker for Leading by Mission. My topic was “It’s All About Your Stories.”

That same month, “Bad Vegan” debuted. It was a documentary about the downfall of Sarma Melngailis, former owner of Pure Food & Wine. I was a huge fan of that restaurant and was honored to dine there many times. To this day, Pure Food & Wine remains my favorite restaurant of all time; and I am fully in support of Sarma Melngailis and always wish the best to her and her dog, Leon.


In April, I was a guest on James Burns’ Anti-Bullying 101 podcast for the second time. I linked the podcast to my own anti-bullying YouTube channel, and you can see/hear it here:

Howie Pyro at Vintage Vinyl, a few years back


In May we lost the legendary Howie Pyro. Not only was he a fantastic musician and deejay, he was a very kind person. I first met him backstage at a Redd Kross concert in the early 1990s. A few years later, a friend told me about this “great band” called D-Generation. Howie Pyro was the bassist and I was hooked on their music. I saw them perform so many times and also ran into Howie many times over the years. He always had the time to chat. He is so missed.

On a happier note, May was the month that Paterson celebrated Palestine Way, naming part of Main Street “Palestine Way.” And I was there to cover the story!

(New Jersey sunset photo by Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta)


June 2022 was the beginning of the Summer of 90 sunsets. It hardly rained and almost every night you could see a most gorgeous sunset. Fun and games continued and my husband and I saw The Glimmer Twins perform for the second time in the year.


Lots of summer fun and many date nights with my husband–concerts, going out to dinner, movies.


August started out horrible. My husband found a mauled bunny near our home and all animal rehabs in our area were filled to capacity! We drove over an hour to a beautiful rehab with wondrous grounds. I had high hopes that the bunny would survive and thrive. Sadly, the bunny didn’t make it. RIP, sweet little angel. We tried.

On, August 19, I celebrated my 59th birthday. I am extremely proud of my age, my accomplishments, and all the fun I’ve squeezed into my lifetime. I am fortunate and look forward to being 60 in 2023!


In September I continued living my best life. I took some chances in my career–writing and acting–that didn’t pan out, but you win some, you lose some. Nevertheless the HIGH you get from trying is phenomenal.

My cat Sammy, the supermodel! (Photo by James Esposito)


October was super special. My cat Sammy had the opportunity modeling collars for the Only An Ocean website! The photographer said he was a prince to work with. I am so proud of him for being so good and cooperative!

That same month I became a cat sitter for Meowtel. Earlier in the year I became certified to work with small animals, but I decided that was not what I wanted to do. Instead I figured I’d take advantage of my feline behavior certification and cat sit! I’ve only had two clients so far, but it is extremely rewarding. I’m meeting the nicest cats — and people!

October was also the month my public speaking engagements took off again! I stopped speaking during the pandemic and took a break from it. Come October, I started and now I have bookings up to April 2023!

Another cool thing in October, besides Halloween, is that it’s the month I get my eyes checked. For the second year in a row my eyesight improved! I attribute this to a vegan lifestyle because prior my eyes stayed stable from 2011 to 2020. Now my eyes got so much better, I’ll be getting glasses with a lesser prescription in May!

And if relating to the “Bad Vegan” story wasn’t close to home (with Pure Food & Wine being a restaurant I frequented often), another popular documentary, “The Watcher House” is relatable! Why? I live about 8 minutes from 657 Boulevard in Westfield, NJ.

While we are on the topic of Westfield, NJ, I’d like to point out, that’s also where Charles Addams lived. Westfield celebrates Addams every year. This year we visited the Rialto movie theatre which showcased his work. I even touched the desk her worked at!

The Hoboken Harvest Festival was a “go” after not happening for a few years due to the pandemic. I wrote about it for TAP Into Hoboken and took a ton of cute pictures:

While we were in Hoboken, it was cool to visit the building on Marine View Plaza where I got my start as a writer and wrote for Outlaw Biker, Tattoo Review, and In the Flesh (body piercing).

Maryanne as Mrs. Claus


In November I worked a gig as Mrs. Claus, and I hope to do more work as she in the future!

And before my husband and I went into hibernation mode, we went to see May Pang’s movie “The Lost Weekend” along with The Beatles exhibit at the Grammy Museum in Newark, NJ.


I had my last speaking engagement for the year early in December. Other than seeing some friends and family, our plans for the rest of the month are pretty low key. But then again, with us, you never know.

This is all just a brief summary of the year. I’m sure as soon as I press the “publish” button I’ll think of 25 more things I would want to add.


If you liked this blog, feel free to buy me a kombucha:

Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta can be reached at:

She is the author of the following books:

“Be (Extra)Ordinary: 10 Ways to Become Your Own Hero” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback or Kindle version, visit:Be (Extra)Ordinary

“I Don’t Want to Be Like You” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback, Kindle or audio copy, go here: I Don’t Want To Be Like You

Her fiction book “Love Cats” second printing is now available, under the pen name Krystianna Mercury, from Pink Flamingo. You can purchase it here:

Maryanne is also available for book editing and coaching. Rates are competitive.

And for positive messages, visit Be YOUnique, the Anti-Bullying You Tube Channel:

Visit my business page, Pear Tree Enterprises, at: