
All posts for the month September, 2021

Taking a Break

Published September 26, 2021 by Maryanne
Maryanne Chrisitano-Mistretta, Keyport, NJ, September 2021

I’m an author, currently working on a book called “The 1990s: The Last Romantic Era.”

It’s about shunning communication via social media. I don’t mean comments on blogs, Facebook, or Linked In. I mean communicating ONLY on computers.

Hear me out. I do have friends in other countries, that I’ve met in real life, and chatting on computers is the most reasonable thing. But there is no excuse for any friend in my state or the USA not to pick up a phone to call.

What lead me to this was the obvious. Too many miscommunications via emails/Messenger. Arguments could easily been avoided.

Yes, in the 1990s, I was a lot younger and more full of piss and vinegar, so fights were inevitable. I will admit that. I had no patience and was often angry. Acquaintances and friends passed through my life faster than cars on a freeway.

I’m now 58-years-old, much calmer, but honestly communication via emails and Messenger can grate my nerves. It’s just so ugly when someone answers a well thought out email or message with “OK” — or if they don’t answer at all. It’s the modern version of hanging up on someone. Not cool in my book. The only way to stop the madness is to stop it, period. That’s a lot of control, right there.

Taking such a stand in this so-called modern world is considered weird. I was recently told by a client that I wasn’t “normal” because I don’t like to text on a Smart phone. But to me, texting is not healthy and shouldn’t be considered normal. Just because there are so many smokers and drinkers, does that make it right? No. For six months I used a Smart phone for a job I had editing a series of hyper local newspapers. When I moved on and returned the phone to the publisher, it was a relief. The ball and chain was disabled and I was FREE!

Next I had the issue of people not answering emails, so I ditched that. At least with Messenger on Facebook I could see who got my messages but were choosing to ignore me. That blew up in my face as well. I had to put my foot down. Typing on a phone or computer in an situation that is not business related is not my favorite way to communicate. My mind was made up. No more emails and no more Messenger.

Two people who have supported my decision were my husband (because he thinks communicating via social media is not normal); and my sister, Kim, who loves the idea of chatting over a cup of coffee, on the telephone–and writing letters! (Now I have a reason to buy some cute stationery again and to use my Love stamps – YAY!)

I have boxes of poems, letters, and cartoons people sent me via the mail. I’ve also kept every card friends have given me. Cards that have the DNA of people I care about. Cards I can hold in my hand.

This is all not so far fetched. I’ve done Google searches and discovered there are other people out there–of all ages–that shun phones and social media. I am not alone. Just like I’m not alone in being a non-smoker.

Since I made my final decision a few days ago, I am genuinely happier. I’m reading more. I’m being more creative. And I feel as if I’m the master of my life. I’m not giving in to the masses.

Just because something is a little different, doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Give it a try. Communicate via phones only for a month. Let me know if it makes a difference in your life!

Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta can be reached at:

She is available for blogging, editing, and writing. She is also available for book signings and motivational speaking engagements (via ZOOM during covid). She is now coaching aspiring writers via ZOOM.

Maryanne is the author of the following books:

“Be (Extra)Ordinary: 10 Ways to Become Your Own Hero” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback or Kindle version, visit:Be (Extra)Ordinary

“I Don’t Want to Be Like You” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback, Kindle or audio copy, go here: I Don’t Want To Be Like You

Her fiction book “Love Cats” second printing is now available, under the pen name Krystianna Mercury, from Pink Flamingo. You can purchase it here: Love Cats

Embrace Yourself

Published September 25, 2021 by Maryanne

A few months ago in art class we did a nude drawing, using a sculpture of Venus De Milo as a model.

Of everything we do in art class–painting, crafts–drawing is my absolute favorite.

I wanted to add the side message “Embrace Yourself” because we all should. I purposely made one breast a little larger than the other and fuller thighs. Even my letters are written on the sloppy side. That is the beauty of not being a professional artist, the imperfections give the piece character. It gives surrealism to realism.

Over 50 Modeling

Published September 24, 2021 by Maryanne
Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta (Photo by Jeff Danze)
Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta (photo by Jeff Danze)
Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta (Photo by Jeff Danze)

Shots by Jeff Danze, September 2021

I am 58-years-old.

Writing is my career; modeling has been my side gig since the 1980s. I’m by no means a runway model. I’m only 5’2″ and curvy. However, I continue to do this to show women, that it’s okay to be way over 50 and still look cute (or sexy).

I do not have any plastic surgery or Botox. That is my choice. All my make-up is cruelty free and vegan. My current hair was glazed red last month at a vegan salon.