National Be An Angel Day, 8/22/23

Published August 22, 2023 by Maryanne

Today is National Be an Angel Day, a day to encourage good deeds and kindness.

In my book “Be Extraordinary: 10 Ways to Become Your Own Hero” (available on Amazon and in Barnes & Noble stores:, there’s a whole chapter on kindness. Kind things that make a difference and don’t cost anything.

The day also recognizes people who are angels to us; those who lift our spirits.

Off the top of our heads, we can easily remember kind things we do for others; and what others have done for us. I truly believe people, in general, are good, but also that life in general can trigger people to be not so good. One of the kindest things you can do for yourself, is catch yourself when you’re in a bad mood and don’t let it harm other people.

Something so simple, like saying “excuse me” can make a difference.

Why do people no longer say “excuse me”? I Googled in search for an answer. People think “excuse me” sounds “stuffy.” WRONG! There is nothing “stuffy” about being polite.

We’re living in sad times where too many people are self absorbed. Too many people have a “me, me, me” mentality. They’ll talk about themselves endlessly without asking someone else, “How are you?” (When someone talks “at me” – I will make the person know it. I won’t stand for it. I’m not a therapist or someone’s sounding board. It’s just the rudest thing.)

And a new one that I’ve been noticing, from people of all generations, not just young people. They will say “sorry” if they want to be where you are. I had this happen the other day. I was looking at records and a guy came too close for comfort and said, “Sorry” as he wedged his way next to me to look at the record section I was looking at. Gross. I didn’t want to be that close to a weird stranger, so of course I moved. But I shouldn’t have. I was there first, right? Would it be the end of the world if this man waited for me to finish going through the pile? I guess it would. Perhaps he had no life and those records gave him a hard on.

I was flabbergasted about what had happened. But I didn’t say anything. Like a lady, I got out of this self-absorbed person’s way and went back a few minutes later. He was still there, but I was now ready to say something if he did it again. He didn’t. Maybe he got my silent message — I have just as much of a right to be here as you do.

On the flip side, yesterday I was shopping at Whole Foods in Madison, New Jersey, because I had a client in the area. This is one of the better Whole Foods in New Jersey. People who shop and work here seem classier and I never have a problem like I do in Clark or Vauxhall. (Just being honest here).

I was in someone’s way, as usual, and a woman said to me, “Excuse me, can I just scoot by you?”

I was ECSTATIC! Someone with manners!

I turned around, gave her the biggest smile and said, “Thank you.”

She smiled, probably taken off guard, wondering why I was so happy.

Living in a very rude world, that woman MADE MY DAY! Yes, a simple act of kindness, saying “Excuse me” and showing that you have manners is BEAUTIFUL!

Let’s make it a trend! It doesn’t take much to BE AN ANGEL!


If you liked this blog, feel free to buy me a kombucha:

Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta can be reached at:

“So You Think You Know the Jersey Shore?” is now available:

And while we are celebrating, here is a wonderful article about the book:

“Be (Extra)Ordinary: 10 Ways to Become Your Own Hero” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback or Kindle version, visit:Be (Extra)Ordinary

“I Don’t Want to Be Like You” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback, Kindle or audio copy, go here: I Don’t Want To Be Like You

Her fiction book “Love Cats” second printing is now available, under the pen name Krystianna Mercury, from Pink Flamingo. You can purchase it here:

Maryanne is also available for book editing and coaching. Rates are competitive.

And for positive messages, visit Be YOUnique, the Anti-Bullying You Tube Channel

Visit my business page, Pear Tree Enterprises, at:

10 comments on “National Be An Angel Day, 8/22/23

  • Excuse me is always in order for any number of reasons. As is holding doors for the next person coming through. So many just being nice things seem to have fallen by the wayside. But I’m a rebel, so I persist. 😉

    Good morning!

  • Gosh…you described something I’ve experienced (and disliked) but hadn’t thought about. Saying “sorry” and moving in…without excusing the behavior is like an announcement – a proclamation. Might as well say ‘give way to royalty’. LOL. 😜

  • What do you think?