vegan thanksgiving

All posts tagged vegan thanksgiving

Monday Happies

Published November 20, 2023 by Maryanne

Happy Monday!

The week begins with great vibes as yesterday I had a free day so my husband and I were able to spend time with family who live up in the mountains. It was a gorgeous day in New Jersey and the one hour drive was relaxing, viewing the vast lake area and mountainous beauty.

For the next week, in addition to journalism, I’m cat sitting a Bengal cat! It was the first time I ever saw one, but I knew about them because a friend from the 1980s has some and I saw photos on Facebook. I met this little girl cat Saturday night during the Meet & Greet. She’s a playful little thing and is also very affectionate. My time with her last night was so well spent. Whenever I’d text photos of her to her owner, she gave a big “Meow” because she wanted my undivided attention. I love her to pieces and she will certainly be one of the highlights of this upcoming week. I WISH I could post pictures of her, but I won’t out of respect for the owner. But do note, since I’ve been cat sitting this past year, I keep all the photos of the cats. Whether my clients are repeat clients or a one-shot deal, I cherish all of them and remember them fondly. I just absolutely love cats and each one is loved like they are my own.

So, now, the three most exotic cats I’ve sat for are: a Bengal, a Siberian, and a Sphynx.

I hope to someday meet an Oriental Shorthair cat. They are cute AF and seem really nice.

I have two stories on the agenda thus far. This morning I’m interviewing the president of the Nutley Historical Society. And Wednesday covering a luncheon for The Chamber of Commerce, the Rotary Club, the Lion’s Club, and UNICO; with a guest speaker.

Here’s a story I wrote for Veteran’s Day last week:

And a more controversial one about a man who is fighting the town in order to keep shades on his bagel shop:

I’m psyched about Thanksgiving. Dennis and I did some shopping Saturday night. I’m making vegan cranberry sauce from scratch. (I say “vegan” because sometimes when people make it from scratch they use honey–I won’t.) We also got the good old famous Tofurkey, sweet potatoes, and apples for baking. I am hooked on vanilla bean powder and have been putting it on everything lately, including popcorn. So that will be the special ingredient for the day–for the sweet potatoes and the apples. And knowing my husband, he’ll make another stop or two to pick up more food. I usually don’t eat sugar or gluten, but I make exceptions for holidays and special occasions, as long as it’s vegan. Some time ago we stopped going to vegan restaurants in order to stay healthier. And it works — I feel fantastic! Lots of energy. Clear skin. Life is good!


If you liked this blog, feel free to buy me a kombucha!Ā

Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta can be reached at:

ā€œThe Gypsy Smiledā€ is now available in Barnes & Noble stores!

ā€œSo You Think You Know the Jersey Shore?ā€ is available at:

And while we are celebrating, here is a wonderful article about the book:

ā€œBe (Extra)Ordinary: 10 Ways to Become Your Own Heroā€ is available on Amazon. To get your paperback or Kindle version, visit: Be (Extra)Ordinary

ā€œI Donā€™t Want to Be Like Youā€ is available on Amazon. To get your paperback, Kindle or audio copy, go here: I Donā€™t Want To Be Like You

Her fiction book ā€œLove Catsā€ second printing is now available, under the pen name Krystianna Mercury, from Pink Flamingo. You can purchase it here:

Maryanne is also available for book editing and coaching. Rates are competitive.

And for positive messages, visit Be YOUnique, the Anti-Bullying You Tube Channel

Visit my business page, Pear Tree Enterprises, at:

Iā€™m also a five-star cat sitter. Need a cat sitter in North/Central Jersey? Iā€™m available: