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Love Cats Now Out of Print — Seeking Traditional Publisher for New Edition!

Published July 30, 2019 by Maryanne

Love Cats front and back cover

Love Cats by Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta

It was the ’80s and it was hot! The romance of Beck Stewart and Janey Peyton took place in the new age dance clubs. They bonded over their love for books and music; and of course their intense sexual chemistry.

But major red flags were revealed when Beck brought Janey home for the very first time. He not only discovered that she was a snoop, but that she wasn’t fond of his beloved cat Morticia.

Then the drama truly reared it’s ugly head when Janey’s jealousy got the best of her. You see, Beck was a hard worker. Janey was a trust fund baby who didn’t have to work. Janey began spending her lonely days going on sexual escapades to “get back” at Beck for “neglecting” her.

Will this couple make it? And what happens when a kitten shows up at Janey’s doorstep? Can she learn to love cats?

Love Cats was my very first work of fiction. Making a living as a journalist most of my adult life, I only knew how to speak of the truth. When creating these characters, I did so much research to “re-live” the 1980s through them. I wanted the book to be as authentic as possible. I wasn’t going to use phrases people use today in my book.

I also had a good friend, Todd Gordon, who is a screenwriter, go over Beck’s words. Is this how a guy talks? I asked him.

In Beck, I wanted to great a guy who was cool, but also a bit of a pushover. In many romantic novels, you see the woman as a victim. I wanted to illustrate that men can be victims too in the world of romance. Throughout Love Cats Beck remains hopeful for the relationship, until Janey pushes his button to the max the time she comes home when the sun comes up, wearing a completely different outfit she wore the night before.

With Janey, I wanted to create the most selfish character possible. As a late bloomer in social media, I started using Facebook in 2013, against my better judgement. One of my clients, who I helped ghostwrite a book, sold me on it. She said that she was able to sell many books thanks to her presence on Facebook. When my first book, On the Guest List: Adventures of a Music Journalist, was self-published, my publishing company said that I sold more books the first day than the average author sells in a year! Anyway, being on Facebook, I witnessed firsthand how selfish people could be. You can’t blame social media. People were always like this, but social media magnifies it tenfold.

For example, in my article for Gasm, “Selfish Sex” I explain how I believe most of the population are takers:

When I see selfishness taken to the maximum level in real life, I can only imagine how bad these people are in bed. With that, I created sex scenes where the lead character Janey Peyton takes. She’ll get her rocks off and not reciprocate.

But as a humanitarian who believes people are truly good, I give Janey’s character much room for growth. And how else can that happen but through making a major connection with a little animal. In this case, a kitten who shows up at her doorstep.

Throughout the book, I keep the 1980s element, in both music and style. For example, nose rings were far from popular back then, but every now and then, you’d see some cool person wearing them. I also featured Betsy Johnson fashions, and some throwbacks who still wore featured hair in the 1980s. There’s a major fashion upgrade when Janey Peyton gives Heather makeover tips and she emerges with her blonde hair slicked back like the ladies in Robert Palmer’s “Addicted to Love” video.

While it was the 1980s and ’80s music was a stand-out, I didn’t ignore the fact that there were 1960s bands doing reunions, like The Monkees.

And what would a book about cats be without some reference to the play, Cats? Lyrics by both Robert Smith (The Cure) and Iggy Pop were purchased (and used by permission) from Hal Leonard Music publishing.

My all time favorite review from a reader spoke volumes about the novel:

Since Love Cats was published May 2015, I’ve donated portions of proceeds to various animal groups. Now that it’s out of print, it seems to be more popular than ever as it’s climbing the Amazon ranks! Just last week, I received a phone call from a stranger asking, “How can I purchase Love Cats.” Knowing that it was now out of print, I told him he could try Amazon. I only have two copies left for myself. I noticed that Amazon was selling two books for $44.17. With some poking around, I discovered they were bought by another book selling company and you can now purchase them for over $80!

I’m determined to make another great go of it in a second edition, so readers do not have to pay extraordinary prices to feel the love that is Love Cats!

Love Cats was my second self-published book. Since then I’ve published three other books, traditionally. This is why I am turning down self-publishers who have been soliciting me ever since Love Cats first became out of print (and will continue to do so).

There is now a  Love Cats Too in the works. It’s the conclusion with characters from Love Cats and my other work of fiction, The Gypsy Smiled (not yet out of print and available on Amazon):

Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta can be reached at:

She is available for blogging, ghost writing, writing, and motivational speaking engagements. She is the author of the following traditionally published books:

“Be (Extra)Ordinary: Ten Ways to Become Your Own Hero” will be available October 2019. To pre-order, go here:

“I Don’t Want to Be Like You” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback, Kindle or audio copy, go here:


Getting Psyched for “Love Cats” Promotions!

Published June 1, 2015 by Maryanne

back cover proof CORRECT“Love Cats” back and front cover

The biggest thrill for any author is seeing your book in print for the first time!

Last year when my first book “On the Guest List: Adventures of a Music Journalist” was published, I was so ecstatic, I kept the book at the foot of my bed, so when I woke up, the first thing that would come to my mind was: “I’m an author!”

Over the weekend my first copy of “Love Cats” came in the mail to check for color. It looks absolutely beautiful! Darlene Foster ( did such an incredible job.

Now  my next step is ordering a bunch of copies from the publisher and getting out there and doing the book signings.

Last year with “Guest List” I had a blast, going on radio shows, signing copies at libraries and even doing a rock ‘n’ roll signing at a record store, accompanied by Stu Deutsch, original Plasmatics drummer (as he endorsed my book!)

SAM_4811Book signing for “Guest List” last summer

I’m still pretty chill, as it hasn’t really hit me yet that this is my second book! (And my third is finished and I’ve been seeking a traditional publisher).

My husband always said to just enjoy the ride. From start to finish, all of it, as it will be on-going. It’s true, as I do have one last book signing for “Guest List” this September. When “Love Cats” came out last week, “Guest List” Amazon rankings went up. One book always helps another. So this is a positive thing I am looking forward to!

Get your copy of “Love Cats!”

Here’s the links and thanks in advance for your support! :



You can also purchase “Guest List” (a musical memoir) on Amazon:

Or those local to New Jersey can stay tuned for events I’ll be at this summer. I’ll be booking within the next few weeks when I receive my first batch of books from the publisher.

My First Fiction Book — Available on Amazon and Kindle!

Published May 27, 2015 by Maryanne

back cover proof CORRECTLove Cats (front and back)

Hey Gang!

Love Cats is published and available for orders! Thanks for your support!


Bizarre Taurus Magic and Numerology

Published April 20, 2015 by Maryanne


I swear, you can not plan these things or make them up.

When writing my upcoming fiction book, “Love Cats” I used two songs that were significant to move the story along. Of course, one was “Love Cats” by The Cure. The other was “Mass Production” by Iggy Pop.

In order to use these songs, I had to get legal permission from Hal Leonard Music, which I did. It cost me $100 to use the lyrics to “Love Cats.” And $43 to use “Mass Production.”

Now, last year, when my first book “On the Guest List: Adventures of a Music Journalist” came out, it was during the cycle of Aquarius — my favorite sign. Many of my friends are Aquarius. And I married an Aquarius.

I wanted my baby “Love Cats” to be an Aquarius too, but it just didn’t pan out that way. “Love Cats” is going to be a Taurus, published in early May.

Sharing this with my friend Shaolin, a zodiac fanatic (name a friend or celebrity or famous musician and she will know their zodiac sign off the top of her head — incredibly impressive!), she immediately told me that both Robert Smith and Iggy Pop are not only Taurus, but their birthdays are on the same day!

I looked it up on Wikipedia and yeah, she’s right!

Then I took it a step further and went the numerology route. I added up the numbers of their birthdays.

Iggy Pop – 4-21-1947 (4+21+1947 = 1972, 1+9+7+2 = 1) is a powerful force that doesn’t let anything stand in it’s way.

Robert Smith = 4-21-1959 (4+21+1959 = 1984, 1+9+8+9 = 1) #22 is a master number, where dreams manifest.

With the power of numbers, astrology, music (and cats!) this baby of mine is sure to be something else! Stay tuned for “Love Cats” — Coming May 2015, from Next Century Publishing.

Love Cats Cover 5

Janey Peyton is filthy rich, but also a down-to-earth goth chick. She lives in suburban New Jersey during the 1980s. Janey has it all, including an Italian live-in housekeeper (who sometimes drives her batty with overbearing dated love advice).

Since Janey’s status symbol-driven parents are absent in her life love-starved Janey desperately seeks a soul mate as she cruises the new wave nightclubs.

Enter Beck Stewart, also a workaholic, but for all the right reasons. The working class hero wants to make a better life for himself. Beck falls hard for Janey and turns a blind eye to the immediate red flags: she’s a snoop and obviously hates his beloved old cat, Morticia.

When Janey discovers Beck can’t resist overtime hours, she mistakes his job loyalty for neglect. For “revenge” she takes on other lovers and is careless when it comes to hiding her conquests. What happens when Beck feels enough is enough and the couple who had their ups and downs finally hit an all time low? And what happens when a stray kitten shows up on cat hater Janey’s doorstep?

If you love the’80s, alternative wave, sexy chick lit, and of course CATS, this book is for you!


“Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta draws you in from the very first page. This book will make you find yourself yelling at the characters. I laughed out loud, I cried; my emotions were all over the place. With engaging characters and a unique story-line set in 1980s New Jersey, ‘Love Cats’ is a story that will captivate you and stay in your heart long after you read the last line.” – S.C. Miotto, author “Moonstone Dreams” and “Diamond Love.”

“Maryanne’s zeal for life and passion for creativity shines through in all of her work. Here in her first book of fiction she gives us multidimensional characters mitigating love and growing pains as they manicure their pop culture lifestyle at the tail end of the ’80s. It’s romance — Gen X style! I could not get enough of Janey and Beck.” – Scott Schiaffo

In “Love Cats,” Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta really takes you there, to the fun and electricity of running around, being young in the 1980s, in New Jersey, but enough universal magic so we all can relate: the spontaneity, adorable flirting, daring and exploring, making mistakes and finding your way. Maryanne treats tricky, sensitive and intimate topics with the most refreshing honesty. – Zaphyrella, fashion designer.