
All posts tagged erotica

National Read a Book Day, 9-6-23

Published September 6, 2023 by Maryanne

Me autographing my first book in 2013, “On the Guest List” (now out of print)

Those who know me, know I prefer journalism to writing books. It’s fresh, it’s current, and you get instant satisfaction. It was friends who coaxed me to write my first book 10 years ago. I was helping other people write their books, so why not do the same for myself? Since then I only self-published two books, the rest were picked up by traditional publishers. It was a great ride with advance checks and royalty checks, book signings, being a podcast guest. But I’ve had the same taste of glamour with journalism–being on the guest list, free yoga classes, free music, free meals, gifts, and even a recent red carpet event.

Being a great writer is a dream come true. I just love my life. One of my favorite mottos is “Write to live. Live to write.”

But for those who follow this blog, you may not even know I’m a professional writer. Why? Because I’m a writer, not a salesman/marketer/pusher of wares. No, I’m a soft sell. I may share links to articles I write every now and then, but definitely not every day. I make a living as a writer so I don’t need to push myself and hawk my books.

Today will be different though. Today I’m going to promote a few of my books.

  • “I Don’t Want to Be Like You” is available in Barnes & Noble stores. It’s my true story growing up, and being bullied in both grammar school and high school. It’s about how my experience didn’t discourage me, but made me grow into a person I could be proud of.
  • “So, You Think You Know the Jersey Shore” is my latest and sales are great! It’s basically a reference book about the various seaside towns of New Jersey. I took most of the photographs, which was a great experience. There’s also a ton about music and celebrities from New Jersey.
  • “Be Extraordinary: 10 Ways to Become Your Own Hero” is my blueprint for motivational speaking. Whenever I have a motivational speaking gig, I refer to this book for inspiration.
  • “Love Cats” An erotic love story about a 1980s couple. The guy loves cats. The girl hates cats. The girl hates everything and everyone except herself. Beck and Janey meet in a nightclub. They have an intense chemistry. Beck is ready to take the relationship to the next level, however he needs to work a lot of overtime to get a promotion. Janey takes his workaholic lifestyle as “neglect” and goes on a cheating spree with both men and women. When is enough enough? Will Beck take her back? What inspired me to write this story was Facebook, seeing firsthand how selfish people are. Critics of this book hated Janey, and that’s exactly what I wanted. I created the most selfish character on the planet. But can she change? When a kitten shows up on her doorstep, does she have a change of heart about cats? And about Beck? I wrote it under my pen name, Krystianna Mercury. It’s my baby and I love this story!

Happy Reading!


If you liked this blog, feel free to buy me a kombucha:

Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta can be reached at:

“So You Think You Know the Jersey Shore?” is now available:

And while we are celebrating, here is a wonderful article about the book:

“Be (Extra)Ordinary: 10 Ways to Become Your Own Hero” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback or Kindle version, visit:Be (Extra)Ordinary

“I Don’t Want to Be Like You” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback, Kindle or audio copy, go here: I Don’t Want To Be Like You

Her fiction book â€śLove Cats” second printing is now available, under the pen name Krystianna Mercury, from Pink Flamingo. You can purchase it here:

Maryanne is also available for book editing and coaching. Rates are competitive.

And for positive messages, visit Be YOUnique, the Anti-Bullying You Tube Channel

Visit my business page, Pear Tree Enterprises, at:

I’m also a five-star cat sitter. Need a cat sitter in North/Central Jersey? I’m available:

Bloganuary Challenge – Day 23 – Interview a Fictional Character

Published January 23, 2022 by Maryanne
Love Cats


Love Cats is a fictitious book I wrote under the pen name Krystianna Mercury. Janey Peyton is the lead character. She’s a 20-something rich, selfish woman who falls in love with Beck Stewart. She doesn’t understand his work ethic. He is working hard to establish himself and hopefully marry her someday. Janey takes this as neglect and goes on a wild sex spree, cheating on him for “revenge.The story takes place in the 1980s, so there’s a lot of great music as a backdrop. I purchased the rights to use lyrics from two songs, from Hal Leonard Music, “Love Cats” by The Cure; and “Mass Production” by Iggy Pop.

Maryanne: How could you fail to see what a nice guy Beck is?

Janey: I’m not sure. I was young and sowing my wild oats. Deep down, I wanted to settle with Beck. I guess I was hesitant.

And you hurt others along the way.

Only one. Heather. I could have fallen deeply for her, but I did meet Beck first.

So, you basically used her to “get back” at Beck for something he didn’t even do?

Not intentionally. Like I said, I was young and everything happened so quickly. Beck was a bit of a workaholic. I was alone often. I was bored.

In the end, was it all worth it?

You will have to read the book to find out!

And, finally, can you tell us why the title, “Love Cats?”

My story takes place in the 1980s, when The Cure had a hit with the song “Love Cats.” But I hate cats! Well, back then I did. When I temporarily broke off with Beck, I dated a famous photographer named Adam Durian. He was cat-obsessed. This is when I became a bit intrigued … and well, you’ll have to read the book to see what happened next. A cat and a kitten both played a large role in getting Beck and I back together, believe it or not. You can get the paperback on Amazon or via the publisher. The link is at the bottom of this blog. Or you can get the NOOK Book from Barnes and Noble:

Do note, the book is erotica. Readers 21 and over only!

Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta can be reached at:

She is the author of the following books:

“Be (Extra)Ordinary: 10 Ways to Become Your Own Hero” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback or Kindle version, visit:Be (Extra)Ordinary

“I Don’t Want to Be Like You” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback, Kindle or audio copy, go here: I Don’t Want To Be Like You

Her fiction book â€śLove Cats” second printing is now available, under the pen name Krystianna Mercury, from Pink Flamingo. You can purchase it here:

Maryanne is also available for book editing and coaching. Rates are competitive.

Happy National Nude Day!

Published July 14, 2020 by Maryanne

Love Cats 2020Love Cats by Krystianna Mercury

Today is National Nude Day! But you don’t have to take your clothes off to have a good time. You can live vicariously through my characters in my fictitious, erotic book, Love Cats. The second edition was recently published by Pink Flamingo Media. Just click here to order: Love Cats

Love Cats is the story of Janey Peyton, a spoiled rich girl who meets Beck, a working class guy. It’s the 1980s and they connect mainly on music, but there’s also a strong sexual chemistry. Beck works hard to make a life for himself, and Janey mistakes his hard work for neglect. She goes out on a sexual rampage with both men and women. Broken hearted Beck could only take so much and finally dumps her.

While they are broken up, a kitten shows up on Janey’s doorstep. Learn how a kitten helps Janey change her evil ways, and learn that what she had with Beck was real.

Do you plan on celebrating National Nude Day?! Do tell!

Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta can be reached at:

She is available for blogging, ghost writing, writing. She is also available for book signings and motivational speaking engagements. In addition to Love Cats, she is the author of the following books :

“Be (Extra)Ordinary: 10 Ways to Become Your Own Hero” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback or Kindle version, visit:Be (Extra)Ordinary

“I Don’t Want to Be Like You” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback, Kindle or audio copy, go here: I Don’t Want To Be Like You

Her fiction book “Love Cats” second printing is now available, under the pen name Krystianna Mercury, from Pink Flamingo. You can purchase it here: Love Cats

Love Cats – Second Printing Now Available!

Published June 4, 2020 by Maryanne
Love Cats 2020
“Love Cats” by Krystianna Mercury
With all the tragedy happening, I was hesitant as to when to write about the second printing of my book “Love Cats.” (Krystianna Mercury is the first time I’m using a pen name. You can purchase directly from Pink Flamingo: Love Cats).
I’ve decided that making my announcement today, National Old Maids Day would be appropriate, because it’s a day to support single and childless women.
In “Love Cats” (Love Cats) I address the “old maid” issue via my character Janey.
Janey starts out as a smart character who wants a guy with substance. Though when she meets one, her insecurities get the best of her and she subconsciously does everything she could to kill the relationship. Though the difference between me and her is that while creative success is what drove me, Janey doesn’t need any kind of success as she’s already a wealthy trust fund and she’s simply driven by her own selfishness.
Whatever motivates us to stay single (work, fear, waiting for the right one, etc.) I think it’s super cool that in these modern times women are viewed as so much more and we no longer have to live in “shame” because we aren’t hooked up.
I tell everyone who asks my advice, to wait. Wait until you meet that one of a kind soul mate who rocks your world. There is no need to settle. Nor was there a need to settle 30 years ago either, we just took more shit from people for not settling. I’ve avoided certain relatives for years because they were more interested in who I was dating and how serious it was. Not my career, not my interests, not my dreams or desires. Just who I was dating and if marriage was in the cards.
I dreaded those horrible questions, yet stuck to my guns and never settled.
Mind you, when I say “never settled” while I did date a ton of jerks, I also dated some really cool guys — just not right for ME. I am still friends with some of these guys and my husband likes them too. We are so blessed that we have such an honest relationship with each other. And his ex-girlfriend’s brother is my favorite of all his friends! And that’s another cool blog for a later date, how trust is the most beautiful thing in a relationship.
But back to Janey …
In “Love Cats” Janey’s live-in maid, Lucia refers to her as an “old lady” for not having a ring on her finger — and she’s not even 25 yet! But that’s how it was in the 1980s. So much pressure for a young girl trying to find herself. Too much noise from the peanut gallery. Urgh!
It’s so cool that it’s acceptable today for women to live at home longer, concentrate on their careers, and not even marry at all if they don’t want to. Even though I’m married, I can sigh with relief that there is no pressure on me to bear children and raise a family. My husband and I are perfectly fine with our little love cat, Derick. Life is so good when you don’t have the rest of the world throwing their desires in YOUR face. We’re so blessed to exist in a live and let live time. Let’s keep it that way!
We’ve come a long way baby!

Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta can be reached at:

She is available for blogging, ghost writing, writing. She is also available for book signings and motivational speaking engagements. In addition to Love Cats, she is the author of the following books :

“Be (Extra)Ordinary: 10 Ways to Become Your Own Hero” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback or Kindle version, visit:

“I Don’t Want to Be Like You” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback, Kindle or audio copy, go here:

Love Cats Second Printing Cover Reveal!

Published April 24, 2020 by Maryanne

Love Cats 2020

My second book “Love Cats” was originally printed in 2015. Earlier this year it went to “Out of Print” status. Yet you can still read the great reviews on Amazon

Once the book went out of print, I submitted it to several other publishers and it got picked up by Pink Flamingo Media and will be released MAY 2020!

AND, this is the first time I am using a pen name, Krystianna Mercury!

If the 1980s is your thing, and you love music from that era, this is a page-turning piece of chick lit erotica you may want to pick up!

Here is the synopsis:

Janey Peyton is filthy rich and living in NJ during the 1980s. She seems to have it all, including an Italian live-in housekeeper who drives her batty with overbearing dated love advice.

Since Janey’s workaholic, status-driven parents are absent in her life, love-starved Janey desperately seeks a soul mate as she cruises the new age nightclubs.

Enter Beck Stewart. Like Janey’s parents, he’s addicted to the grind—but for all the right reasons. He wants to make a better future for himself, and his potential wife, who he hopes would be Janey.

Because of their electrifying chemistry, the fact that Janey’s a good lay—and she has an impressive book and record collection—Beck falls hard for her and turns a blind eye to the immediate red flags: she’s a snoop and obviously hates his beloved old cat, Morticia.

When Janey discovers Beck can’t resist overtime hours, she mistakes his job loyalty for neglect. For “revenge” she takes on other loves and is careless when it comes to hiding her male and female conquests.

Does this sound like something you will want to read? Put your email below in the comments section and I’ll let you know when the book is published. It will be available on e-books; and in print version! 

Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta can be reached at:

She is available for blogging, ghost writing, writing. She is also available for book signings and motivational speaking engagements. She is the author of the following books :

“Be (Extra)Ordinary: 10 Ways to Become Your Own Hero” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback or Kindle version, visit:

“I Don’t Want to Be Like You” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback, Kindle or audio copy, go here:

“The Gypsy Smiled” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback or Kindle version, go here:

“Love Cats” Picked Up By Traditional Publishing Company For Second Printing

Published October 25, 2019 by Maryanne

Love Cats front and back cover

First Printing of Love Cats, 2015

Anyone who has been following my blog for some time, knows that back in 2015 I self-published my second book “Love Cats.” I had a great run with it, until Next Century Publishing folded not too long ago and “Love Cats” became out of print.

Strangely, I had someone from San Francisco (I live in New Jersey) call my home asking where he could get a copy. That call made me aware that “Love Cats” was no longer available. I didn’t even know Next Century Publishing went out of business!

After I published “Love Cats” I tried my luck at getting traditional publishers for my next three books. And sure enough, my next three books were picked up by traditional publishers! My latest I got my first advance ever! So, I figured, why not try my luck with “Love Cats.” I sent it out to only nine publishers and Pink Flamingo Media ( decided to go with it!

I was THRILLED! Of all the books I wrote, and had published, “Love Cats” was my baby. Most of my adult life I worked as a journalist, telling the truth, creating a work of fiction was a challenge. “Love Cats” originally came to me in a dream. It was partly inspired by the short-lived CBS series “Swingtown.” And partly inspired by the “me, me, me” world we are living in, which I never realized the extent until I saw first hand on Facebook how many people were takers. I thought to myself, If people are so selfish on the internet — and in real life (because everyone knows a few ego-maniacs) — I can only imagine how terribly selfish they’d be in bed! Hell, I even wrote an article about selfishness in bed for gasm:

Thinking about selfish people, I created the character Janey. I took selfishness to the extreme and made a story out of it. I also wanted to create a male character who didn’t feel that “every man’s dream” was to have a threesome, because it’s not. Though they may be rare, there are some incredibly loyal men out there. (What’s the saying? If you want to be a happy couple, hang out with four happy couples and you will be the fifth!) Beck was loyal, though not a pushover. Nevertheless, Janey’s selfish bedside manner could make almost anyone cringe.

As a happily married woman, I had to think back to my times of being single and not so happy. I took my mind back to the 1980s; and with the woes of single-hood, there was an amazing soundtrack — the dark wave and new wave era. If you love Bauhaus, Iggy Pop, Kate Bush, The Smiths, and The Cure, this book is for you!

Now where do cats come in? Beck is a dedicated cat lover. Janey hates cats. But what happens when Janey’s selfish ways backfire and her life is at an all-time low when a kitten shows up on her doorstep?

You’ll have to wait until 2020 to read the ending, if you don’t already have a copy of the first edition of “Love Cats.”

Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta can be reached at:

She is available for blogging, ghost writing, writing. She is also available for book signings and motivational speaking engagements. She is the author of the following books :

“Be (Extra)Ordinary: 10 Ways to Become Your Own Hero” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback or Kindle version, visit:

“I Don’t Want to Be Like You” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback, Kindle or audio copy, go here:

“The Gypsy Smiled” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback or Kindle version, go here:



Love Cats Now Out of Print — Seeking Traditional Publisher for New Edition!

Published July 30, 2019 by Maryanne

Love Cats front and back cover

Love Cats by Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta

It was the ’80s and it was hot! The romance of Beck Stewart and Janey Peyton took place in the new age dance clubs. They bonded over their love for books and music; and of course their intense sexual chemistry.

But major red flags were revealed when Beck brought Janey home for the very first time. He not only discovered that she was a snoop, but that she wasn’t fond of his beloved cat Morticia.

Then the drama truly reared it’s ugly head when Janey’s jealousy got the best of her. You see, Beck was a hard worker. Janey was a trust fund baby who didn’t have to work. Janey began spending her lonely days going on sexual escapades to “get back” at Beck for “neglecting” her.

Will this couple make it? And what happens when a kitten shows up at Janey’s doorstep? Can she learn to love cats?

Love Cats was my very first work of fiction. Making a living as a journalist most of my adult life, I only knew how to speak of the truth. When creating these characters, I did so much research to “re-live” the 1980s through them. I wanted the book to be as authentic as possible. I wasn’t going to use phrases people use today in my book.

I also had a good friend, Todd Gordon, who is a screenwriter, go over Beck’s words. Is this how a guy talks? I asked him.

In Beck, I wanted to great a guy who was cool, but also a bit of a pushover. In many romantic novels, you see the woman as a victim. I wanted to illustrate that men can be victims too in the world of romance. Throughout Love Cats Beck remains hopeful for the relationship, until Janey pushes his button to the max the time she comes home when the sun comes up, wearing a completely different outfit she wore the night before.

With Janey, I wanted to create the most selfish character possible. As a late bloomer in social media, I started using Facebook in 2013, against my better judgement. One of my clients, who I helped ghostwrite a book, sold me on it. She said that she was able to sell many books thanks to her presence on Facebook. When my first book, On the Guest List: Adventures of a Music Journalist, was self-published, my publishing company said that I sold more books the first day than the average author sells in a year! Anyway, being on Facebook, I witnessed firsthand how selfish people could be. You can’t blame social media. People were always like this, but social media magnifies it tenfold.

For example, in my article for Gasm, “Selfish Sex” I explain how I believe most of the population are takers:

When I see selfishness taken to the maximum level in real life, I can only imagine how bad these people are in bed. With that, I created sex scenes where the lead character Janey Peyton takes. She’ll get her rocks off and not reciprocate.

But as a humanitarian who believes people are truly good, I give Janey’s character much room for growth. And how else can that happen but through making a major connection with a little animal. In this case, a kitten who shows up at her doorstep.

Throughout the book, I keep the 1980s element, in both music and style. For example, nose rings were far from popular back then, but every now and then, you’d see some cool person wearing them. I also featured Betsy Johnson fashions, and some throwbacks who still wore featured hair in the 1980s. There’s a major fashion upgrade when Janey Peyton gives Heather makeover tips and she emerges with her blonde hair slicked back like the ladies in Robert Palmer’s “Addicted to Love” video.

While it was the 1980s and ’80s music was a stand-out, I didn’t ignore the fact that there were 1960s bands doing reunions, like The Monkees.

And what would a book about cats be without some reference to the play, Cats? Lyrics by both Robert Smith (The Cure) and Iggy Pop were purchased (and used by permission) from Hal Leonard Music publishing.

My all time favorite review from a reader spoke volumes about the novel:

Since Love Cats was published May 2015, I’ve donated portions of proceeds to various animal groups. Now that it’s out of print, it seems to be more popular than ever as it’s climbing the Amazon ranks! Just last week, I received a phone call from a stranger asking, “How can I purchase Love Cats.” Knowing that it was now out of print, I told him he could try Amazon. I only have two copies left for myself. I noticed that Amazon was selling two books for $44.17. With some poking around, I discovered they were bought by another book selling company and you can now purchase them for over $80!

I’m determined to make another great go of it in a second edition, so readers do not have to pay extraordinary prices to feel the love that is Love Cats!

Love Cats was my second self-published book. Since then I’ve published three other books, traditionally. This is why I am turning down self-publishers who have been soliciting me ever since Love Cats first became out of print (and will continue to do so).

There is now a  Love Cats Too in the works. It’s the conclusion with characters from Love Cats and my other work of fiction, The Gypsy Smiled (not yet out of print and available on Amazon):

Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta can be reached at:

She is available for blogging, ghost writing, writing, and motivational speaking engagements. She is the author of the following traditionally published books:

“Be (Extra)Ordinary: Ten Ways to Become Your Own Hero” will be available October 2019. To pre-order, go here:

“I Don’t Want to Be Like You” is available on Amazon. To get your paperback, Kindle or audio copy, go here:


“Love Cats” Book Reading/Signing at Caldwell Library, NJ

Published February 4, 2017 by Maryanne


Maryanne Christiano-Mistretta, left; and Fran Larkey, right

Thanks so much to Fran Larkey and the Caldwell Library for hosting my book reading/signing for my second book, “Love Cats” — available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle editions at:

Portions of today’s sales will benefit Farm Sanctuary in Watkins Glen, N.Y. on behalf of my non-profit animal rights organization, R.O.A.R. (Respect Our Animals’ Rights). Follow us on Facebook at:


Kate Bush Record Used in “Love Cats” Love Scene

Published July 30, 2015 by Maryanne

kate bushKate Bush

Happy Birthday to music icon Kate Bush!

Since I had quite a few Kate Bush albums in the 1980s, I decided to use her music as background music during an intense love scene in my fiction book “Love Cats.”

THANK YOU KATE BUSH, for being an inspiration!

Janey and her crush Heather are alone in the bedroom for the first time.

Janey is nervous and decides to put on a record to calm her nerves. She chooses something she thinks Heather might like — Kate Bush.

She turns the stereo on low and says to Heather, “Now where were we?” as she pulled Heather’s face toward her to kiss her again.

With one arm around Janey, Heather swiftly used one hand to get underneath Janey’s top and unhook her bra.

back cover proof CORRECTLove Cats (back and front cover)

To read more, get your copy of “Love Cats” today! Available in paperback and Kindle editions:

Or try to win a copy by visiting Good Reads (contest closes July 31):

More Love for “Love Cats”!

Published July 28, 2015 by Maryanne

Jacqueline - Love Cats by pool“Love Cats” reader Jacqueline Castan enjoys by the poolside with a treat!

Once again, “Love Cats” reader Jacqueline Castan posted an awesome picture showing her support for my second book on Face Book!

Thanks so much, Jacqueline! I love ya!

“Love Cats” is available in paperback and on Kindle:

back cover proof CORRECT“Love Cats” back and front cover